Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hey Everyone! THis is my new portrait profile thinger. I just changed the head and made a background available. Have a good one y'all!!! EH!! OH, HAPPY CANADA DAY IN 3 HOURS!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Greetings and Ni hao to all!

Well, times is still ticking, and the packing anticipation is catching up to me. Prep has continued along smoothly. Unfortunately I've caught a cold along the way. It's a bit unnerving being that it's the same style of cold that took me 3 months to get rid of last summer. Kinda creeps me out. In any case, I believe everything will work out as it was meant to happen.

On the flip side, today has been slow none the less, and when you're slow you realize there are people that you suddenly miss a lot more than usual. For all those who have felt the same way, I nod and smile in your general direction. ;)

Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Exoitment and Anticipation

Well, here I am... 11 days I think are left? Hmm, i lose count on the weekends. The seventh will be soon here and I shall have to find out how good my english and teaching skills really are. Anticipation grows as I look at different suitcases, as I decide which will match best with my watch.

We had my second commisioning service today. (two service weekend, so logically we had it twice) Both times, we had one of our team members gone... but it's never the same person. In fact, we usually have someone gone here or there. It's all good though, and everyone's been learning very hard. I am also happy to announce that we have raised enough funding for the team now.... lol, i think. It may after all turn out to be more than enough. That would be nice to have 12 offering baskets left over to give to people who need it, or to future mission expeditions.

As most of you should know, I am now unemployed. As such, I have plenty of time to write music and pack. I need to do a little more Chinese learning this week, and so I hope that goes well. The rest of my time will be spend on English lessons and projects that go with them.

Please pray that we don't get lost along the way. (It could easily happen being that we're going about 4 groups, but there are only 7 of us.) That'll be fun to find a new person at every stop at every airport.

Pray that we aren't attacked by severely large rodents or bugs as that could be a little strenuous on my energy levels if I must fight them off me to sleep or while I teach english.

Giant Waterbeetles are creepy... But they're fun to watch.

I can't say the same yet for cocroaches sinch I haven't seen one yet.
But I must bid thee Adieu.... I think that's spelt right.

Our family is heading out, so I must go too.
xie-jin and thank you all

Saturday, June 18, 2005


WEll, so ends my librarian career. Today was the last day of my contract. Farewell books and barcodes. Farewell all!


Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Ok... well... I'm now waiting to hear again from my financing plan. Their decision still decides my next few years at least. If they recognize VTI as a proper internship, then I'm going next year.... Otherwise I'll be going this year.

Prayer would be nice. I really don't want to mess up my life for the next few years. ;)

thanx all!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Hordes of Mosquitos.... O.o

Ok, so me and the guys are like, 'Let's go to little red and have schmores!!' Sweet. Ok, so we go! I grab my guitar and some socks and shoes cause I know there are those couple annoying mosquitos... As my title probably forbodes... there were not just a couple mosquitos...

I pulled into the parking lot across from Jami and Graham. They laugh and point above me, and thought they were mocking me, so I mocked them back, but then he, very clearly, pointed OVER my head... so... I looked around. I saw the moon... but nothing else. Finally when i gave up guessing, I opened the door and looked up. To my suprise, there was a swarm of mosquitos hovering right overtop the car.... AUGH! I said, and jumped back inside.

When the others showed up, we finally got out, and the swatting began...

And continued...

Even as we tried to eat those great tasty shmores, the plagued our every move. Two I remember in particular got me well. One on the forhead. One on the Left hand's pinky. Both swelled up pretty nicely. The one on my head was about the size of a silver dollar.... orAbout a quarter x2. My pinky lol... just looked swollen and stupid and felt funny. Most of the swelling has gone down now, but wow... those mosquitos really give me a run for my money. I hear the ones in China are less potent.... I should be hoping so.

In any case, they finally go sick of tormenting us and decided to go to sleep for a few hours. The rest of us, ceasing the opportunity, pulled out the guitars and began to sing. Just then, we were interrupted by a guy who had a car/truck thing. He told us the park was closing in 10 minutes. Simply, we would just park outside the fence before they locked up. Problem was that they already locked off the one we were parked next to.... Therefore, we had to drive all the way through the park, back on to the highway, and then to the outside of the gate we had parked next to. It was good though, and we had another hour of happy singing and fire... and no mosquitos plagued us that time.

That I believe was the end of our adventure that night.... Have a good one people... and remember you bugspray for outdoors. :D


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

That was scary.... O.o

Ok, so I wake up at 6am for a bathroom break. (normally I don't get up until at least 9) Nobody else gets up until at least 7 or 7:30.... and for the second time in the same week I think... someone else was up.

So I open my door and I'm all dazed and I look up. Standing in the doorway of the recroom, Jenna's looking at me with her white nightgown.... 'AUGH!' I said. 'hahaha' she said. This is the second time she creeped me out like that. Has anyone ever done that to you?

The only way people creep me out is when i know that they SHOULD be somewhere else, and my mind is certain of it... then if they show up somewhere else, I get so lost and confused.

In any case, today I am going to the school, and so heh, that should be good. :D I want to see if I can run into old friends and teachers. :) After that Luke, and Nathan and I suppose myself too, are finishing up Luke's project... I think we have to have Nathan hit by a car.... ;) It'll be fun. At my birthday i did that last time!!! :D

In any case, as of today, I'm leaving in exactly a month. Yup, one month before I leave for China. As such I'm doing a lot of China studying, and a lot of english studying Lots to do. heh. In any case, I hope you all have a great day, and thanx for stopping by to see what's going on in my life. You're great!


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Wow... that's amazing!!!

It's incredible the things I've heard from the VTI team that was here in PA. They're leaving for Saskatoon tomorrow. Please keep them in prayer, that God will keep them safe, and that they will be able to share Jesus with people thirsty for Him. (if you want to hear some stories... just ask me!!!..... or preferably, go see them!!!)

Speaking of which... I really need prayer. I'm trying to decide whether to go to NBI this year or VTI.... I know that I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to... and I know that the team here REALLY REALLY REALLY wants me to.... but perhaps.... perhaps that it's just not the right time. In any case, I am very uneasy. I'm already accepted at NBI, so I don't really want to back out... but in that case, pray that God will secure my financial situation and that I'll be able to work with VTI perhaps later.

Anyways, lol, I'm excited to see God work this summer, this fall, the next ten years and tomorrow. Pray that I use my time wisely and for HIS glory, not mine.
Have a great day everyone.
Peace be with you...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

If you are bored this weekend...

THE VTI TEAM IS HERE!!!! Well, they will be here soon. At 6pm I believe. In any case, come see the team and say howdy to one of our Prince Albert residents, Karina!! That's her blog in the links park that says, Spudnik. Yeah, so... have a good day, and go see the team! GOoD moRninG by the way! Man do I ever feel sick and loopy.... Crazy allergies.

xie-jin and whatnot