Saturday, May 14, 2005


Nope... not the plane... it's the time. THough I am starting to think about the trip coming up.

How are you guys doing out there? I've been completely exhausted this weekend... I'm working at a garage sale in which we are selling many a wonderful thing. I found some nicknacks... but nothing spectacular.

I'll spare you the details of how hard some of that work was... but for everyone in Saskatchewan.... you remember it snowed? Well, heh... I was out selling burgers in that.... well.... trying. I couldn't really because the BBQ had no propane tank yet in the morning.... and then it was so windy that it... hm... it just was nasty. Boxes flying.... glass shattering... and I often got to chase the stuff that would roll away.

But nevertheless, we're doing it again today.... :) It'll be great... the sun is shining.... the wind has died down, and I got there bright and early.... but nobody was here I am killing time in order to go back and start again.

Anyways, pray that God uses this sale for his purpose... and that our team won't kill each other. Have a good one everyone... thanx for listening! :D



Anonymous said...

Well if I were going to be in your town today, I would pop by and help you shatter glass. But I'm not. I'm just getting frusterated with these CD programs. Rip in Linux. Burn in windows. In the middle, the songs get lost. Ack. Well have a good enough day anyhow, and see ya around...

Anonymous said...

frustrated, ess.

working all day on a saturday and overtime too is great fun.

Anonymous said...

OH, the joy... lol... I SURVIVED THE SALE!!! WHEEE!!!.......... can someone please move my legs for me?


elly said...

you, like, need to get a walker or something.

Encaitar Mapalon said...
