Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Well, one day was nice out... +10 degrees!!! So I was out all day chipping off an inch to 2 inches of ice off the driveway, and then i was shovelling it off... Posted by Hello

What?! CHINA?!!

Yes. China. That shall be my destination come July 7th. I'm heading over there for a month to teach english to teachers and students. I hope it will be an enjoyable experience.. and I personally can't wait :D I NEED PRAYER AND MONEY!!! PRAYER AND MONEY!!! REMEMBER THAT......
Wow... it's been a while since I've updated this blog... (this was pointed out to me by an unnamed individual ^_^ ) So it's a good thing to be back.
An update on me:
Well, I'm still missing Karina in India... soon to be England.... *sigh* ^_^
And physically I'm still as gibbled as ever. I've been unemployed since New Years Eve, and am starting to look for a job... This year I hope to be going to Nipawin Bible Institute after I have completed my China trip, and that is all for the long term planning... well.... I'd like to make another cd. But I will spend more time perfecting songs and who knows? maybe I'll have a better one next time! I'd like to have a band to back me up.
I've enjoyed some skiing, sledding, sliding, snowman making, shovelling and all kinds of spectaclar saskatchewan's special snow ... things. I love alliteration occasionally. In fact, i was just back yesterday from a skiing trip, and heh.. I'm still a wee bit sore.... though a lot of it tends to be from me pushing myself too hard during our China teams' last fundraiser... There were these big wooden tables, and well, I carried....6 of them up 3 flights of stairs alone, plus another 4 with help, and then i took about ... lol, 8 of them back after our whole thing was over at 11... and I was so beat... but I did it, and strained my arms. heh. But I get bored if i do nothing. That night I also vaccumed and ran the sound board all night... took photos, and set up tables, decorations, ran office errands, and arranged, stacked and carried chairs.... big cushiony ones.... whew. They weigh a lot more than the wooden chairs I'm accustomed to.

Life is Good. I'm learning to be content with what I have... but I need to work on many many many things still. heh. Oh well. perhaps I will still have time in which to accomplish such a feat.

Other than that... I think little else is new... perhaps I will you an update when i get back in a few days from Key-way-tin Bible School. We're going there for a couple days to videotape.

Farewell, and Goodnight.