Monday, March 03, 2008

¿How do you say faster in Spanish?

Last year on VTI it could be compared to a marathon, learning to pace yourself and it's really long. This last weekend, and the recent getting ready for Costa Rica has been what the staff have dubbed 'a sprint'. As such, it's been busy. This weekend we had over 70 people. That's about 60 more than I'm used to here at the Training Centre. But although it was really busy, it was a really good time. We learned until our minds wanted to leave on vacation, and made sure to eat enough to survive the day. It was good. I really enjoyed hanging out with the team that Karina and myself will be traveling with. They're fun. :D

Oh, and I shaved most of my hair off... Karina mourned the loss of my hair for a while...

And the skies have been beautiful around here.

So, most of the team is chillin out here at the Training Centre and we're going through 'empty nest syndrome' almost... 70+ to 4 is a bit a shock. O.o

We're getting in a bit of rest and relaxation today and then for the next week we'll be swinging by differing places in the Calgary/Three Hills areas. It'll be good. I hope you are all having a good one. Feel free to drop me a line!

Grace and Peace

**PS... you'll notice a black box you can click on just above this... It's a picture of the night sky out here I took. It looks pretty good when you open it up bigger. :P