Saturday, July 30, 2005

Morning y'all!

I've returned! heh. I'm going to Calgary this weekend though, so I won't be here... again.. heh, but I'll be back Sunday evening if everything goes as planned.

I'll have to get some pics up when I get them! :D Thanx to all for prayer and contact! :D WHOOT!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Superman?! Me?!

I think I may have lost 15lbs already... but I'm not sure. It's 10 for sure. So much running and walking running and walking. I just recorded a bunch of children's songs for the teachers here. Songs like, 'Jingle Bells' 'The More We Get together' and... um.... 'If you're happy and you know it'... stuff like that. Ken and I recorded them about 5 minutes ago... well, we a finished about 5 mins ago. That went well.

Everyday is very very busy. I get up, plan, teach the children's group until lunch, then take a mamoo (taxi... sorta) over to the school, and then I have lunch and a meeting there. After that, I play for the 140 adults for about a half hour, teaching them these kinds of songs. Then, I take another mamoo back to the hotel where the kids are being taught and I help teach in the afternoon. Today for example, when that was over, I was motorbiked over to a small house with about 15 guitar players (2 weeks worth of learning) ... wow..... I felt like a celebrity. They asked me to play some songs, I taught them 'You are my sunshine' and then I spoke to them about my family, friends, Country, my bonnie over the ocean, and my guitar playing. What was really wierd was they liked many of the same things I do. I mean, after the whole guitar thing, there was singing... they all LOVE to sing. Ok, and then one of them came and flat out asked me, 'Do you draw?' lol, and laughed and... well, yeah, I guess I do! So she hurried off to get a piece of paper. I drew a mountain scene like I did for you on the back of that card. THey all ooed and ahhed and then started to fight over it... that and everything that I touched almost. I had a bunch of simple old polaroid photos that always get in my way, so I asked if anyone wanted one, and WHOOSH, everyone was there to grab one, and fight over them. wow.... heh... one of them wants me to write out a paragraph for her to read tommorow.

Ok, so at 6:30 i finally dragged myself away from the kids, and 'Elton John' their teacher who so despretely wanted me to come, started taking me to the school on his bike. We got there to find my students who had come for games. However, Elton convinced them to tell me to go for supper with him.... (he speaks NO english).... so, off we go. We found a street vendor that was cooking after driving for 10 minutes and so we stopped there. He ordered stuff and I was told to sit and wait. Soon it came, and I was eating away. ANd wouldn't you know it, I dropped a dumpling... but i didn't hear the little 'ploosh' sound of it landing in the water, I heard the sound of giggling. I looked up, and there are 30 people at about 5 tables staring at me. lol. wow. Ok, so I sit there and ate more, never dropping any. That was kewl. Then another plate came, and i recognized the shape of it. It was fried fish.... like, battered, whole, fish. That kind of fried fish. Whee! Ok. So, i gave a quick prayer and off I went. I wanted to not see them anymore, so I ate them all.... then I ate this other wierd tasting tofu... the good things about the street eating is that when you finish something, they don't cook you more. YOu have to order it. Unfortunately, I forgot Elton was watching, even though he wasn't at the table. So, logically, if I ate them all, I must have REALLY liked them... so he bought me more.... 'NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!!!' I screamed silently in my mind.... blah... oh well, and off I went ... eating more happily fried fish. Then i drove back to the school and had a great time there hanging out with the kids and having the girls of the town call me pretty and beautiful.... O.o
THen I got back to the hotel, walking. That was fun, and lol, THEN i recorded that cd with Ken, and now I'm back to where I started.


What a day.... that of course is just the summary. THere was much much more that happened, but would take far too long for me to type everything. One I can mention is that one of the kids' primary leaders, organizers, and head of the team left today for Hong Kong. That means, now I've been promoted. That, and the kids call me superman... but that's another story.

It's been busy. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day, and well, take care!


If you can read this, drop me a line at



Thursday, July 14, 2005


THat'd be my new name, 'Rising Sun' (Wong-shuu) :D

It's been..... 4 days i think... oh I don't know anymore...., It's been about 100% humidity... or more, I dont' know it it can be more... if so, it is. We didn't see the sun for the first 3 days (because of the fog in the air....not smog.... FOG... it's VERY humid.) Temperatures have been up around... meh.... 35+ on a rainy day which we've had a few of... and it's more like 40ish when it's sunny. The humid feels worse though.

The food's been good, and I've been given strength everyday to keep going. Currently, I'm in three different teaching groups... sorta. Remember before I was supposed to be just a plain adult teacher? Well, I get here, and I find out that they want this to be very FUN. FUN means music. Gary(17) from BC and I are about all the music talent they have, and lol, he doesn't like to sing that much. Ergo, I do the singing for the teens about 20 of them, every morning now, and then the adults, about 140, in the afternoon at 2. The first day scared me out of my mind, but even though it's very scary, I've been able to do alright with it by my standards, and very well by what everyone else tells me. I have a bit on video already to see what it's like to do what I've been doing. I've met many people, and seen so many things that will take an entire day to explain at all.

Qichun is indeed a village.... and (it's pronouced Chee chwhen) it has about 100 000 people as a lower sided estimate. Ex. Population of Wuhan in books is 7 000 000, but in reality is closer to at LEAST 12 million.

THe bathrooms at the hotel are western, so that's kewl, but at the school, it's the other extreme. It's a trench with a slant, and every so often someone comes with a bucket and sloshes it from one end to the other. Great fun. :P I'll need a good shower when i get back... whew....

Oh, I got a haircut! They shampooed my hair alone, twice, for 20minutes in total. The actual cut took about 40minutes. They did an amazing job.... It's assumed I'm probably the first westerner they've ever seen in their life, ergo, they pulled out all the stops.

Yeah, it's all good. ANyways, Gary's losing to a computer here, so i'd better help him out. Heh. It's Quarter to 8 here, so, goodnight to you all very soon! :D

Friday, July 08, 2005

We're almost here!

Hey everyone! WE're in Beijing, and I was having trouble getting to this blog of mine... it was being... stubborn. WE had a few mishaps, including Tracey losing some luggage. It should soon be with us again. Also, we had a rough landing here in Beijing... a little fast and swerving... lol I enjoyed it... though most did not at all.

THere are so many things that I want to talk about right now, but I want to show pictures, and ... blah, I'm lacking terribly in time. We're leaving for our final flight to Wuhan in a few minutes. After that, we can finally sleep... 25 hours already I've been awake. lol, and it's only 6:05 pm here. It's wierd.

take care all
email me at:

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Here is my flight schedule!

July 7th Leave Canada (3ish am from PA to Saskatoon)
July 8th arrive Beijing and meet up with Tracy
July 8th leave Beijing
July 8th arrive Wuhan at about 8PM
July 10th leave Wuhan for Qichun
July 23rd leave Qichun for Wuhan in moring
July 24th leave Wuhan for Xi'an on train in evening
July 25 arrive in Xi'an in morning see Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an
July 25 leave Xi'an in evening by train
July 26 arrive Beijing in morning and check into Hotel - some shopping
July 27 Tiananmen Square and Forbidden city -shopping
July 28 Great Wall and tombs- some more shopping
July 29 Depart Beijing and arrive in Canada again which I think makes it the 28th again

Well, I'm going to bed. I've got 7 hours to sleep. Have fun everyone, we'll see ya all later!! Pray that we have a lack of problems! C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia are sweet... I think I'll read them on the plane... :D


Monday, July 04, 2005

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ok, so there I was...

Sitting in my house when I'm typing to a friend who says it's starting to thunder. It had been so sunny all day, I thought that she was just imagining things... or else that she was just getting different weather on that side of town. But sure enough a few minutes later, I could hear it too. But we had a thing downtown that we were supposed to be at ... a concert of sorts, and now it wasn't going to be outside... because it started to pour. We waited until we were suppsed to leave, at 6:15 or so, and it started to die down,a nd the sun came out brilliantly.

THen it poured.... for about 15 minutes... rained for about 15 minutes.... all in brilliant sunshine... I've never seen anything like that. Over a half out of pure sunshine, sparkling through thousands of thousands of raindrops... That was something wierd. On one side, to the west it was pure blue and bright. Straight above me, White billowing clouds wrestled with the blue sky to a stalemate, and to my right, the east, a dark black and blue sky full of thunder and hail. It was something else.... wow...

haave a good one everyone! xie-jin
I shall be posting up my itinerary soon!