Tuesday, October 23, 2007


It’s been quite a ride since I’ve last left any messages or anything for that matter. If I were vain, or just absent-minded, I’d have to welcome myself here.
It’s been busy. Wow. Our Encore team 15 has 6 people officially on it now. AJ, Kelsy, Karina, Janelle, Rhys and myself. Right now we’re in La Crete, AB. In fact, this is where Karina and I became engaged over a year ago. As such, there are a lot of memories that linger in this place. It was good coming here again.
It’s been a very hard battle uphill this time on team so far however. Everyone has been having troubles with spiritual battles in varying forms. Everything from physical injuries to depression to anger to stress to absolutely whatever. It’s made living desperate some days. Having to be determined when we wake to not succumb to the lies that float around us day and night. It’s been hard. But I know that you have been praying. Had you not, I don’t know how we’d be holding up. But when these times have come, we’ve always made it through. Even if that meant we ‘survived this moment’… it’s always enough for us to get to the next moment… and then the next.
He is faithful that way.
There was a lot of concern earlier this year about how our team would work together being so different. It’s been going well. It’s not without its bumps along the way, but it’s good. This is a nice team.

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of talking and visiting and though it’s been very tiring, it’s been great. Being able to build relationships and make new friends, and to be an inspiration to them and them to me has been great.
I also had a little time to type out some of the song lyrics I had written from this last year and prior to that. That excited me and I hope I can practice my music more this year again.

Lastly, I’ve noticed more than usual a strange craving for Christmas to come. I’m excited for the season especially this year being that I should hopefully get to spend some time at home. ^_^
In the meantime, hello to everyone, and I’ll be doing a little better not to be so much of a stranger. We’re off to do a practice day/youth event tomorrow here in Le Crete. Thanks for your prayers!

Grace and Peace