So... I'm leaving right away, so I'll give everyone a really quick fill in.
Karina and I took a week off from the team to rest. However, that night when we fell asleep at Mark and Fee's in Clay Cross, Karina woke up with a very high fever. 42.8C or 109F ... that's hot. Anyways, so the paramedics came and they took us away in an Ambulance.
For the next 3-4ish days Mark and/or Fee took me back and forth between the hospital and their home. Visiting hours at the hospital are very strict and so I could only get in between 2-4 and 6-8... The doctors would come in the morning and I wanted to find out what they were doing. The whole ordeal for me was very close to nightmarish. I couldn't rest... think... sleep. I just wanted Karina to get well, and I had to fight to even see her.
Now during this whole thing Karina had some really great talks with people in the hospital. Nurses, Doctors, Patients and random other folks. It was good for her and I think it reminded her a bit of Paul. The way he made the most of wherever he ended up.
Well, 2 days I went to see Karina in the morning... even though we're not allowed... And I mean strictly allowed. The one time, I got in for a little over an hour, but I was warned by about 6 nurses that I shouldn't be there. I really had to fight to stay for the time I did.
The next time was the last day she was in the hospital and my nerves were shot. I remember praying that God would let me get in just so I could be there with her. When I got up to the locked door, I knocked and I saw the nurse at the desk and I knew she was on her way to tell me I couldn't come in, when all of a sudden from the side, a painter walked over and opened the door for me. In I went. I walked straight down the all and by the desk that had 10 nurses, and none of them said anything, and it was almost like none of them saw me.
THen I sat with Karina in the hospital and I was there all day. From the morning till 5ish when they released her. And I never had any warn me. God is awesome... and I know he doesn't always answer in our immediate favor... but that really was a moment that I'm going to cherish for a long long time...
So, since then we've been chillin with Mark and Fee and visiting the Holmgate church and members periodically. It's been a really great time and we're sad to be leaving, but time moves on.
Thank you everyone so so so SO much for your prayers... We can tell you've been praying.
By the way, for those wondering, Karina's problem was one we were previously aware of. She had a bladder infection and she took antibiotics to treat it... THe problem was that the bacteria was resistant to the two kinds that she tried. Thus the infection spread to her kidneys... there was the problem. Now, before anyone freaks out, it's alright. She's good now. lol, she's better than me!
I've still got this lingering head cold that I've had 4 weeks now. I am getting better though. :D
Anyways, I'll throw some pics on here from the last weeks. Thank you all again, and now we're off to Northwich and we're going to meet up with our team! :D
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